October 17, 2023

Social Media

Social Media

Brand Expert

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Social Media Checklist



  • Reply to incoming messages
  • Check alerts for brand mentions and respond as needed
  • Monitor for untagged mentions and related keywords and respond as needed
  • Check current trending topics for language to include and avoid
    Schedule posts according to effective times of day:
      6-10 times daily for Twitter
      1-2 times daily for Facebook
      1-2 times daily for TikTok
  • Review products and services for upcoming posts
    Work on original content: blogs, videos, podcasts, etc.
    Monitor competitor platforms for ideas,
  • responses, trends
    Engage with active followers and fans



  • Connect with influencers in the space
  • Check analytics and adjust scheduling and topics as needed
  • Create and monitor weekly goals for engagement, consistency, growth
  • Check analytics for paid ads and adjust as needed


  • Connect with influencers in the space
  • Check analytics and adjust scheduling and topics as needed
  • Create and monitor weekly goals for engagement, consistency, growth
  • Check analytics for paid ads and adjust as needed


  • Review analytics quarterly and consider needed adjustment to scheduling, topics
  • Consider strategy changes for paid and organic audiences
  • Review new strategies—integrate winning attempts and discard those that didn’t get results


  • Review analytics annually and consider needed adjustment to scheduling, topics
  • Consider strategy changes for paid and organic audiences
  • Consider brand messaging and adjust as needed
  • Research platform development, growth, losses


Things to Post:

Infographics, Words of Wisdom, Invitations, Curated Content, Numbers, Polls, Testimonials, Photography, Emojies, Cartoons, Celebrations, Give-aways, Competitions, GIFs, Podcast plugs, Exclusive offers, Industry News, Job Opportunities, User generated content UGC, Survey results, Blog plugs, mini-series, new product updates, memes, team intros, weekly challenges, behind-the scenes, customer support,  inspirational quotes, case studies, brainstorms, how it’s made, local shout outs.


Built for fast growing business.

  • 11 x A month



Perfect for small companies.

  •  5x A month



Level up your business.

  •  2x A month
